Monday, October 11, 2010

Live What You Love

I read an exert from a book recently entitled "Live What You Love" and I got to thinking. Growing up, I think most of us had this in mind, but one way or another lost track along the way. I picked it up to try to motivate myself, but wound up thinking about all the stuff around me that I don't love. Work. Bills. Traffic. Fleas on my dog. I decided to make a few changes in my life and get back to living what I love.

What I love (in now particular order):

Coffee, Cheesesteaks, The Beatles, Melinda, Upland Wheat, The Roots, Mom, Dad, Ryan Adams Ballads, Springsteen, Photography, Social Media, Cincinnati Reds, Brady, Writing Poetry, Writing Screenplays, Writing Prose, Ashley, Lauren, New Castle Brown Ale, Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Asian Zing Sauce from Bdubs, The Black Keys, Noodles and Company, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Best Friends, Close Friends, Spaghetti, Writing Short Love Notes to My Wife, Close Friends, Hiking, Trees, Van Morrison's Voice, Jeeps, Levis, T Shirts, Adidas Gazelles, Romantic Comedies, The Coen Bros, Corrinne Bailey Rae, Norah Jones, Doing What I want to Do, Notre Dame Football, Colts Football, Indiana Basketball, Twitter, Facebook, Almost Famous, John Cusack Flicks, Restaurants, Scotty's Brewhouse, Not Having a Plan, Puppies, Kittens, Diversity, Rock n Roll, Racial Equality, Progression, Heroes, Elmore Leonard, The Blues, Jazz, Dreaming Big

That's it. Everything else, I just like.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Doctober Blues

Wow! I cannot I just witnessed this type of performance.

For nine innings, my beloved Cincinnati Reds were searching for anything to cure their ills. All the Doc delivered was a healthy dose of disappointment, heartache and comedy.

Roy Halladay pitched a complete game no hitter for the Phillies on Wednesday night, and nearly his second perfect game of the season. Even as a Reds fan I was in awe of how completely dominant Halladay was. And this against a Reds team that rocked him for 4 runs on 13 hits in a June match up.

The only positive is, it has to get better. Right?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Waiting Game Blues

Is there anything more dreadful than waiting? Waiting for the woman of your dreams. Waiting for the for the call that won't come. Waiting for 5:00 on a Friday. Waiting on the pizza you ordered 2 hours ago. Waiting on tomorrow every single day.

I can't wait any more. I'm actually headed out the door in search of what it is I've been waiting on.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Suburban Blues

I live in the 'burbs and long for the city. Waking in the morning to passing traffic and hustle & bustle would cure my Suburban Blues. At least I think it would.

I'd love to walk to the corner coffee shop each morning. Instead, I settle for stale Folgers, or rather, Caribou off the shelves of my local Kroger on a good morning. Gotta love chains. They provide good coffee.

I have to drive 3 miles to the grocery store. It takes 5 minutes, but 20 in traffic. Speaking of traffic - I arrived at work 15 minutes late this morning. I drive 7 miles. I left at my normal time, but gridlock fucked my day.

I have the best looking lawn on the block. No joke. My grass is green and my landscaping is splendid in my opinion. It only took 5 years for me to care this much. Five years of nasty stares from my neighbors. I broke down and hired Spring-Green to inject some suburban botox into my 'hood.

The 'Burbs aren't that bad I suppose. I feel safe. I don't worry when my lovely wife walks the dog at night. I can blare the music without concern for disturbing my neighbors much. I am a respectful individual. I have trees and a yard. And a garage to park my car in the winter.

The only thing I hate worse than the suburbs is scraping snow and ice from my car. Now that I think about it, maybe I just hate my current locale.

I live in the Midwest and long for the coast.